What is holistic nutrition?
We practise holistically at Intrinsic Nutrition.
Holistic nutrition can be described as an approach that supports client wellness through diet, food and nutrients in the broader context of all dimensions of health and life. The aim is to support the body’s innate ability to heal and balance.
Through this nuanced modality, we acknowledge the synergistic relationship between physical, mental, social and spiritual wellness. We also appreciate the influence that contextual factors such as home, work, relationships, finances and culture have on our dietary habits.
This approach enables the practitioner to consider the broad spectrum of factors that impact the client’s health behaviours and outcomes. More importantly, it empowers the client to better understand how these factors interplay in their own lives and ultimately adopt long-term, sustainable food habits that support good health for life.
Click here to discover what you can expect in our sessions together.
What health challenges can a holistic nutrition practitioner help with?
Beyond a preventative investment in your health and improving your overall vitality and wellness, a trained and accredited Holistic Nutritionist can assist you to address imbalances in your body that contribute to specific health challenges. We do not attempt to symptomatically 'heal' individual diseases in isolation of the rest of the body, so our dietary support for holistic homeostasis can form a powerful and sustainable part of your overall management plan. Some examples of challenges that holistic nutrition strategies may assist with are as follows:
Gut-related conditions such as ulcerative colitis, crohn's disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, dysbiosis, GORD and general gut discomfort including persistent diarrhoea, constipation, belching and bloating.
Skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and urticaria (hives).
Mood and cognition challenges including: managing stress, anxiety and depression; poor mental clarity, concentration and energy; and sleep quality.
Conditions related to the reproductive system, including PCOS, endometriosis, abnormal menstruation, fertility and other reproductive hormone imbalances.
Metabolic issues, for example diabetes and general blood glucose control, weight management and cholesterol management.
Management of musculoskeletal conditions, including arthritis (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout), acute soft tissue injury recovery and osteoporosis.
Modulation of chronic inflammatory activity that is occurring as your body's response to imbalance.
Location & Contact
Essendon, VIC & Online
Email: hello@intrinsicnutrition.com.au
Phone: 0412 905 582
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